Search Results | migration ecology

Your search for "migration ecology" returned 37 results

How Animal Migration Works

Animal migration is crucial to the survival of that particular species of animal. Learn about animal migration and why animal migration is important.

What's Up With This Brain-shaped Blob Found in a Canadian Lagoon?

What's a bryozoan colonial organism doing so far afield? Learn more about the magnificent bryozoan in this HowStuffWorks article.

1 Billion People May Become Climate Refugees By 2050

Climate refugees are people who have been forced to leave their homes due to an environmental disruption. Learn how the U.N. defines climate refugees.

Is It Time to Redefine the Four Seasons of the Year?

The four seasons experienced by Earth's midlatitude regions are being gradually altered by global warming — but a climate expert says they won't completely go away.

How Light Pollution Works

Light pollution is explained in this article. Learn about light pollution.

How the Spider-tailed Horned Viper Tricks Unsuspecting Prey

There probably aren't many animals as aptly named as the spider-tailed horned viper. With a tail tip that resembles a spider and horns atop its head, it's easy to visualize this venomous snake.

What Caused the Dust Bowl?

What if the land you relied upon simply blew away? In the 1930s, poor stewardship and crushing drought created black blizzards and an internal American exodus known as the Dust Bowl.

How can two seemingly unrelated species that live in isolation from each other evolve into identical forms?

Parallel evolution leads two seemingly unrelated species living in isolation from each other to evolve into identical forms. How? Learn about parallel evolution.

How Far Is Russia From Alaska?

Sarah Palin never really said she could see Russia from her house. But how far is Russia from Alaska anyway? And can you see one country from the other?

6 Facts About the Majestic Snowy Owl

From the fictional Hedwig in the Harry Potter series, to those that live wild and free, the snowy owl is one of the most captivating species of owl in the world.

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